So I ran out to a 24 hr. wal mart and bought a couple cubic feet of jelly beans.

counted out exactly how many it would take to get 1.8519 cu. ft.(used a vacuform bag and forced them under water til I got the right displacement) Counted out exactly .5 cu ft additional, as a fudge factor.

Started filling the right M50 with jelly beans thru the lower front Pongo Port; when I could get no more in, I then sealed the front port with fiberfil(which I also picked up at walmart cause I lost my bag of Acustastuff when we moved)but fiberfil works in a pinch.

I then began filling the upper Pongo Port with jelly beans, continuing to keep an accurate count, until I reached the upper Pongo Port.

Then disaster happened!

When trying to figure out a good way to lay the speaker down from its' normal vertical orientation to a prone attitude to be able to fill the remaining internal volume, I realized, much to my horror, that while my attention was deverted away from the container that held the remainder of the jelly beans that were so meticulously counted, that the Grandkids had gotten up and....started eating....No!..Not the jelly beans!!

Minor disaster, no problem, I'll simply empty out the jelly beans already inserted and start counting again!

Major disaster!! What I had failed to notice was that while doing the calculations and filling the right speaker-while having appropriate background music somewhat heavy in bass-that, Yes, that's right, I had failed to procure a properly temperature stabilized brand of jelly beans! The heat produced from the drivers(including the tweeter!)was sufficient to fuse the beans in the immidiate vicinity of the drivers!!

The results of this mornings' misadventures?: My imaging, already rather poor simply because of poor room acoustics(which I'm slowly working on to correct) is now somewhat worse. I have a rattle near the lower mid driver(which I'm sure will correct itself with a little more bass output with accompaning additional heat generated-a real probability, as I had to raise the output to the right speaker in the receiver by 4db to cancel out the bean attenuation)

I used some of the remaining fiberfil to hold in the roach baits in the Pongo Ports since the soon to be decomposing jelly beans will certainly attract these unwanted critters, and we certainly don't want "them" in the house!

Well, no worries; I still have one more M50 I can fill at a later date! But now, it's time for breakfast...we're having un-temperature stabilized jelly beans and Canadian Bacon!