I'm with Nick on this one, I would not call the Z2 or the Z3 an entry level projector. Also, they don't have any screendoor issues as Smokey implies. Actually DLP's can have screendoor also. With LCD you can get into the higher resolutions, even HD much cheaper than DLP. DLP's are coming down in price, but you still have to pay a lot more to get HD true HD resolution (720p, 1080i)

To the thread starter, welcome to the world of front projection. If you have not already, check out www.projectorcentral.com There you will find great articles on both technologies, and unbiased reviews of various projectors. You will note that the Z2 and Z3 are one of the highest rated projectors out there. Contrast ratings on LCD have come a long ways over the past few years, granted, they are still a bit lagging from DLP's, but nothing that can't be resolved with proper room adjustments.

Yes Nick, I'll have pictures soon....just started painting my ceiling and side walls with Eddie Bauer Dark Navy Blue Flat paint, and will start on the back wall soon with "Black Leather" from Valspar.

The best thing to do is try to demo both LCD and DLP. You would hate to get home and find out you suffer from Rainbows with DLP, as I do.....good luck


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