I definitely am all about keeping things simple and that would be my first choice of connections. Chances are I will not be able to localize the sub anyway. I'm assuming that the reason I would want to keep the sub as close to the TV as possible is so that explosions or whatever, don't seem to be coming from off screen. Similar to why you don't want to be able to locate your surrounds.

What about music listening. I do know that if I have my receiver set to "auto decode" in the sound field/surround setup that it will direct low frequencies to the sub if sub is chosen in speaker setup. In that case sub placement is not critical, but the soundstage up front may appear funky because again you don't want to know where these lows are coming from.

Hope you Canucks had a good Canada Day.

A raven strains along the line of the road,
carrying a muddy, old skull.