
I'm just a newbie and you're the connoisseur, but I'll add my two cents FWIW. I had my STF-2 and two M22s on an old 2-channel receiver hooked up exactly as you described. The STF manual tells you to look up the low end +/- 3db freq response for your speaker which is 60Hz for the M22 and set your crossover to that frequency. But in the end I did what the others said and went by ear. I picked a deep bass material I'm very familiar with ("Take Five" by Dave Brubeck) and fiddled with the crossover until it sounded right. I ended up adjusting the knob only a hair or so due to my hardwood floors. While the M60 low end is 37db I still think 60Hz would be good for you based on the similarities between our speakers. Please tell me the sub is for HT only or else I fear for your ears and fine china. If so then I would turn it off while I'm listening to music.

BTW now the M22s and sub are on a Denon 2105 and they sound exactly the same as they did on the old setup at 60Hz crossover.

Good luck.