In reply to:

I'm way more likely to be still up at 5am vs waking up at 5am.

HEY! I was a professional musician all my life. We often wouldn't get off stage until 2 AM. By the time we tore down the sound system, loaded out, paused for a little refreshment, and drove home, it was easily 5 AM before the head hit the pillow.

Even before that, I was a night person. I attended a local extension of Ohio State, and my classes were at night, finishing around 11 PM. I'd go home and study until 2 AM. This was in the days when we had only about 6 TV channels, and all would be off the air by midnight. I LOVED studying at night when it was quiet, and there were no distractions. Got a heck of a lot done, I can tell you.

At 2 AM, a nearby bowling alley would lower it's rates to 20 cents per game. We'd bowl until 5 AM, hit the Royal Castle for breakfast (or burgers and home fries), and head for bed.

My problem, today, is I'm still a late night retirer, but my aging body won't let me sleep past 7 AM.

And you guys go right ahead with the "old" jokes. I honestly don't mind. Just remember, though. You're making fun of YOUR OWN FUTURE. And, believe me. That future will be the present all too soon.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton