well, my stuff is finally here as well. Wanna hear a funny story.

Last week I was expecting my Nad receiver to show up on Monday. Well, come wednesday it still wasn't here. So I started making phone calls and found out that the courier had "troubles" finding my house. Now, I live on one of the most straight forwards roads in town, and there's no trick to it at all. My house number is 166. So, the moron delivered or tried to deliver it to 16. The package clearly said 166. I found the guy, and went to the warehouse to pick it up myself. Darn nad amp ain't light either.

Anyways, this week, was expecting my Axiom shipment. Axiom ships them via Fed Ex. there is no fed ex here so Altimax actually takes it to my door. It should have been here by Tuesday. Tracking showed it here at 8:30am Tuesday. So yesterday, I stayed home..."Axiom Flu" and pressed my nose against the windows for 8 hrs straight.....no speakers.

Today, same thing...come 2pm I started getting mad. After tracking down the number to Altimax through the head quarters in another city....scrap that. they never gave me the #, they didnt want to. I actually got transferred instead. Regardless, the nice girl on the phone says the delivery guy claims that wrong address was on the package.

Now, the ones that delivered my amp were DHT courier. Never dealt with them before. So no way could this be the same guy right?

So, the moron from Altimax apparantly tried to deliver it to house #116. Thankfully the women at the door didn't accept it.

I got his number, gave him directions, he shows up at 166 this time...imagine, my house. the guy seemed really nice, seemed like an honest mistake so I start just kidding around but I do say something along the lines of ....yeah some idiot last week screwed my order up to. Low and behold, he turns red in the face and says, yeah, that was me, we deliver for DHT.


Anyways, I got them. Now it's time to play. btw, the address on all 4...count them 4 packages all said the correct address 166.

EP500/800/HSU VTF3/SVS PB2k/SB2k/SB-12