Rick and other ICBM users..

Ok this thing has got my attention..

Here is my setup: Onkyo 601 receiver (no preouts or ins) able to set overall crossover point and not individual speakers..

Sony 400 disc DVD changer (SACD and DVD-A capable)

Sony is connected to Onkyo with single digital cable as well as 6 channel inputs for SACD use

M60's, VP 150 and 3 QS8's

I also use a BFD unit on dual SVS 20-39 PC+ subs

The Sony only has the usual settings in it's setup for setting distance, speaker size (small, large) and levels.

So if I understand this correctly with the setup I have now the ICBM will go in between my Sony and Onkyo and will allow me to adjust crossover points for my Axioms when using my Sony only and later on should I ever upgrade to a receiver that has pre outs and ins I can move the ICBM to the ins/outs of the receiver and that will allow the crossover settings to be in place with ALL sources?

When I added my BFD unit it was the best $100 investment to tame my peaks and valleys and it sounds like the ICBM unit might be a nice finishing touch to give my Axioms more controlled range than what they have now..

Am I correct in all of my readings about the ICBM unit?

Thanks for the info about this unit..

P.S. I assume this unit is only sold thru the Outlaw website? I didn't see any other places that lists it for sale other than the manufacturer.