Once again, Smokey isn't reading my messages. He also says that the Z3 is a bad projector, and that people should "read the reviews." You know what, DO IT! You will find good reviews of the Z3 too.

Here is one (note Part 2 of this one):

Here is another that even gives the Z3 a "HotProduct" award, and says that it has "Excellent Image Quality"

You will also see that in the 4th paragraph, the reviewers point out things that Smokey says is crap with LCD projectors in previous messages from several weeks ago. Here is the quote:

"The screen door effect (SDE) was minimal. LCD panel manufacturers sure seem to have this problem under control."

To be fair, here is a review on the H31.

They like it, and give it an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5, but they also make point of saying that this number is "weighed heavily with respect to the individual cost of each unit". So for a projector with an MSRP of $1299, it is GREAT! I never said that it wasn't...

OK, and let's round the whole thing out with the 4805. Here is a nice, helpful review of it:

Maybe Smokey's projector just doesn'thandle higher resolution images, whether true HD or "simulated" like upscaling. I don't know. I think that this thread needs to end here, on a positive, helpful point. This thing has just tracked off course too far, sorry pklin.

Farewell - June 4, 2020