"maybe you're expecting too much...they're just supposed to add some ambience (Sound F/X or "hall ambience")..."

You may be right - but I have to put my ear right up to them in order to hear if they are even working - even on some SACD surround discs! The police were the exception as would be the Lips and the Organ cd - each is recorded to take full advantage of the surrounds.

I used to have some cheap speakers as surrounds that seemed to put out more than the Q4s do - So I raised the volume on the 4s but - I don't know - something isn't right yet.

Probably something obvious - so I want to watch the setup dvd all the way through and do every step. I can't even hear much ambience these days. Maybe hydrogen peroxide in the ears is the answer?

Anyway - if I have the surrounds up too high the setup disc and the meter should reveal that.

Thanks for the response.

M22s, QS4s, M2 center, Hsu stf-1.