I just finished the set up disc. Some things that were a bit confusing:

There are two sets of levels to set up your speaker levels -
1) on the dvd player - for SACD and DVD-A this is the only leveling that gets used with my onkyo receiver.
2) on the receiver - for every disc

There are three sets of test sounds to go by:
1) on the Sound and vision dvd
2) on the dvd player
3) on the receiver
- they are all a bit different but pretty close. with the S&V disc everything was leveled but then with the DVD player levels I had to turn up the right side one more notch. That made the fronts leveled so that seemed to make the most sense (so the dvd by sound and vision is off?). The receiver levels had no competition - so they worked ok.

I have a 5.1 cd on now - sounds good

Except I set my speakers to small on the dvd player - a mistake since the crossover is so damn high on the dvd player - 200Hz and under crosses to the sub on DVD-A and I think it is 150Hz and under for SACDs. Stupid Pioneer!

But it sounds ok on large I think.

Sounds like it is balanced now. Maybe a few wall hangings for right in front of the main speakers - since they are so close to the wall they probably need something. (I got my wife's ok) and with that everything should be ok.

I wonder if a better dvd player with more sensible crossover settings would help the dvd-A and SACD discs? I could set the speakers to small then in the dvd player.

Thanks for the advice everyone

Last edited by donaldekelly; 10/10/05 10:13 PM.

M22s, QS4s, M2 center, Hsu stf-1.