ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW!!!!! After I got it calibrated to the best of my ability. I began to watch some scenes. I am totally amazed with how much of the movie soundtracks I was missing. Little background effects and all sorts of other parts came through clearly. I love it. I now OWN a movie theater. It is awesome. Everyone was right. I did have a smile ear to ear after I got everything put together correctly. The Ep 500 vibrates the windows and I don't even have it hardly turned on!! When I was using the spl meter to put everything together I kept turning it down, turning it down, then down again. I was up till 2 in the morning just watching scenes of movies. I absolutely love Finding Nemo when Darla taps the glass of the aquarium. It litterally vibrated the windows in the room. Don't even get me started on the Lord of the Rings. Sorry for the rambling, but in short I am very proud of my purchase. My girlfriend even said they were good looking enough to be in a living room. Grills on of course. I love the finish, it looks like wood to me, and I feel right in the middle of the action. I could not have asked for better results. Thanks again for everyone's help. Alan, Thank you for getting to me so quickly with all the information I needed to fix the problems I had. I do have to say It was a pleasure working with Axiom and the service was second to none. Thanks again.
J Hunt

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center