Spiff - Plasma has HAD to let DLP and LCD surpass them at this time. It is simply too expensive (or maybe even impossible) to build a reliable consumer based Plasma with 1080p resolution. The pixels would have to be so small that manufacturing such a srt would be infeasible. On the other hand, DLP sets are using a "wobulation" trick (of which I am sure you are aware) to make a 540 pixel mirror into a 1080 pixel mirror, by shifting the mirror half a pixel, every half frame - resulting, in an "apparent" 1080p picture.

Soon enough, though, plasmas will hit that level. I just worry a little bit about the processing power required to convert my lowly standard def and older DVD collection into a true 1080p image. It's gonna be messy. It almost makes me want to stick with a lower resolution, wobulated panel like the Sammy 5063 or the 5067...