Buying the receiver was easy. This speaker shopping is becoming a headache. It consumes my time and work and at home - not healthy.

I wouldn't want to listen to something similar. I can't imagine and tell myself that I like the speaker and the one that I will buy will have more bass.

I currently have the M2600 HT package that I bought 4 years ago, or similar, from polk audio. It's not bad for the money.

Is there any negotiation on axioms?

I've read some reviews that axioms can be bright and as I understand that does not appeal to all people. Have to read a bit more about polks to see what people say about them. I think the problems is, as with a lot of other things, that there are so many choices, going even beyond those two brands and at different price points.

I feel that I invested in a really good receiver, now I want to get something as good for the sound. I don't want to spend all this money and in a year think that the speakers are not adequate.

Maybe I'm on the wrong forum, as you would think that most people here have axioms. It would always be nice to hear what people went through as far as selection and why they decided to go with their final pick.

I know that if I go to the HT store, the salespeople will suggest still other speakers and give me reasons why they are better.