OK...I'll try to take on the job of spokesperson for all(well, maybe Some)of the fine feathered individuals pictured!!

Actually, the Wife and I are...uh,....um,...tryin' to figure out how to tie the scanner/copy machine/printer into the Axiom web site.(more specifically this forum and this thread and right about "HERE")

We have nearly current pictures on file in the computer, and old photos scattered liberally throughout the house, but they ain't gettin' from here to there

Many of us are perhaps less cluckin' but more computer illiterate than we'd really like to admit even to ourselves(let alone openly and to the entire world!!!)

(I learned Bolean Algebra in the 60s in my 1st computer classes, but manipulatin' zeros and ones ain't helpin' me much today)

We are though, I'll betcha, more than glad to see the pics of all those we have come to(think)we know over these last few weeks, months, and years, but just can't figure out how to communicate our own immages.