Thanks again for all the info. That Tom's Hardware site is a godsend.

With all the horror stories regarding the Maxtor drive, that's off the list.

I'll look into a MB that supports SLI with an Intel based system. If it's not outrageously priced I'll go that route, and try to find a GeForce card that won't also break the bank.

Future proofing is pretty dang tough with PC's. Every time I've ever wanted to upgrade my PC, I end up pretty much building a new computer. For example...the last upgrade I wanted to do was simply buy a faster CPU. But alas, my motherboard, though P4 based, couldn't take the faster CPU, so I had to get a new MB and processor. OK fine. Oh, wait, the new motherboard doesn't use the same RAM as my last one. MB, new CPU, and new RAM. Sucks.