what if I put the sub next to the tv and the 60's next to the wall on each side. I am only going to have around 2 or 3 inches between the speaker, tv, and subwoofer. Will that contribute to the sub sounding boomy? I am by no means an acoustic guru. I do read everything I can find to figure things out. I am really beginging to love watching movies. I saw a post a minute ago about someone saying you start watching all action movies. That is true. I have the ep 500 and love it. I know since it is in a very small room right now that causes it to sound as explosive as it does. It shakes my house. It isn't LOUD, but the sound waves do exactly what I was looking for when I bought this setup. It really puts you in the action. I love it. Anyway back to my problems. Will doing this fix that or will it still be the same since I only have so little space between them? Also if I put it next to the side wall is there a specific direction I need to point the sub. Should I just angle it or does it not matter at all since most frequencies are non directional? Also I have the yamaha 5790 reciever which allows for me to do 7.1 In a room that is as as narrow as the one I am building, will I get much better results in creating an all enclusive sound field if I put two qs8's behind me or is it not worth it, or for that matter just one to make it 6.1. My room again is around 10.6 ft wide x 26 deep x 7 height. Thanks for all the tips guys. Oh and one other thing. Where can I get long runs of RCA cable for my subwoofer. I want to put all of my cables behind the walls so I can make it look clean and the girlfriend won't hate the room cause wires are everywhere. Thanks guys.

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center