I am going by Axioms own instructions. At no time do they discuss an auto turn on. If there is then I stand corrected

Step 5:
ON/OFF AC POWER/VOLTAGE SETTING: Your subwoofer is supplied with a pop-out voltage regulator set for use with 100 - 120 volts from the A/C line. It can be easily removed and turned over to set your EP500 or EP600 to 220 volts from the A/C line.

Once you have made appropriate connections from the A/V receiver or preamp/processor to the EP500 or EP600 and set the voltage regulator to the proper voltage, find a nearby AC wall outlet and connect the main power cord to the three-wire socket at the bottom of the control panel. Move the power switch to the ON setting and the LED POWER indicator should glow Green. Leave the switch at the ON setting unless you go away for an extended period. Moving it to OFF will shut down all power to the subwoofer


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud