Easier, more effective and safer way is just to unplug the player, remove the 2-6 screws that hold the top on, the laser is right out in the open, use a laser-safe cleaning solution or Everclear works very well if 190 proof alcohol is legal where you live (also good for making liqueurs and burning in camp stoves if you don't like the naptha taste on your bacon and eggs)... isopropryl at 70% w/v is NOT recommended.

If you have to use a Q-tip, cover the end of it in a lint-free cloth first (the satiny ones they give you at eyewear places work very well)

Clean lens (be GENTLE! the transport is fairly delicate), let evaporate, reassemble. And for safety's sake, unplug the unit... just in case you've drank some of the Everclear and decide bobbing for capacitors is a good idea.

Bren R.