"Don't blame the chinese, blame the assholes that call a quality product something they want made for 6 USD.

Incompetent slave labourers, something about that I find unbelievably irritating."

Well at $1-2 per day per worker, I have difficulty comprehending how these products can sell for hundreds of dollars (or in the case of Rockets, thousands of dollars!).

Why isn't there international furor, or any national media coverage, of the recent crack-downs on rioters in China? Are atrocities only newsworthy if they are connected to the US and/or President Bush? Oh, that's right, I forgot... their value system is simply different from ours - who are we to judge, eh?

Oil money enriching the psycho-retards in the middle east, China practicing economic warfare on the US and open warfare on its own people, and an immigrant third-world underclass in my country are little pet peeves of mine, I reckon.

I certainly did not mean to offend or inflame anyone. LOL