So all of you SMS guys, maybe you could try an experiment for me to see if what is going on in my system is normal. Let me first say that I really like my SMS. It has made a dramatic improvement in my system. I do have a question though. I have gotten it to where my response is +-3dB, and it sounds great. When I am in setup mode, and watching the sweeps, if I move the receiver volume up or down, the shape of my curve changes. If for example I have a perfectly flat response, and I move the receiver volume up a few dB's, now all of a sudden my curve isn't so flat. In this example, the lower tones (20-40hz) are now registering higher dB's than the higher tones (40-100hz). Is this normal? I would have assumed that if I moved the receiver volume, the entire frequency range would move with it and the curve would remain the same. Could it be a problem with my SMS? Could it be my sub which is an Axiom EP500? Maybe the DSP chip is stifling certain tones as I am moving up and down with the volume. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
