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Their pro digitial "still" cameras are fantastic. I would much rather have a Canon than the Fuji tagged Nikon that I use.

Still trying to find a really good reason to buy a pro-"SLR" digital. I've used a D100, D70 and a Canon EOS 20 (?). Image quality seems to be a wash on all of them - all used outdoors in bright sunlight, manual focus (I'm a stickler).

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The only thing I would change about Canon cameras is the CMOS chip, and I'm not sure I would change that. I just wished they offered a CMOS chip also, even if it were to be more expensive.

In what way? Adding different features to the camera? Changing the way they're integrated?

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What brand of camera do you use in your work? Sony?

Nikon SLR, Minolta SLR (a 1980s-era XR-2 - good live-event camera, I've had a flash torn off of the hotshoe on it at a concert, and it just keeps ticking) and the video equipment is all bro's... all Sony. DSR-200, VX-1000, 3 PD-170s, 2 DSR-D30s and one HDDVCAM (model #? - only seen it once).

Bren R.