"Do Cannons play base or not??? "

I remember whenever I was a cannoneer in the Army we shot some cannons that were pretty darn loud on the base, or off the base...didn't matter. Speaking of base, did anybody catch the video of that b.a.s.e. jumper with the helmet cam who slammed and tumbled his way down the side of a canyon and dam? What a bloody mess that was, and that was for real. ouch.

I don't get too upset about the way folks care to speak, as long as I can understand everything is cool.

Drivers in the fast lane driving slow while on the phone, farmers who want me to spray their field at night and then leave tractors and crap out in the middle of it, rap (music?), neighbors who bitch about meaningless nonsense, dumb people at the boat ramp...these are just a few of the things that make me go AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

Edited to add one more little item:

Cable set top boxes that go berserk on a Friday night and the only piece of advice the Comcast 'service' rep can tell me is that it *may* not be a good idea to throw the box into the street and that I *may* bring the box in on Monday. Which brings me to a question. Why in Hades are these reps on the damn phone at this time of night if they cannot provide any troubleshooting or service anyway?

Last edited by BrotherBob; 12/24/05 01:20 AM.

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