Save your money and get the M60. I has the same dynamics as the Silver S6. But the bass on the Silver S6 is unruly at high levels. The M60 definitely has a nice tight quick bass. The silver S6 will work spectacular only with high end electronics with lots of power. Why? I do not know? I have heard the Silver S6 on Denon and Rotel and it is a little bit of a let down. When they were connected to a Krell it was like a totally different speaker specially details at low volume levels. You also need a big space for the Silver S6. My 16 x 12 room was too small. The M60 is much easier to place, has great soundstage and detail. There is no bass issue with the M60.
The Gold Reference 10 although a bookshelve is much more balanced in the Monitor Audio line.
