
The differences between the 280X, 380x and 430x really boil down to more power (280x has plenty), more features (are you going to need them?) and more zones.

From a value perspective, the 280x is probably the best choice. From a testosterone perspective, the 430x comes to the party. JohnK is right - sonically you won't tell much difference.

Any of the 3 would be an excellent choice for you.

Also, the video switching on all 3 is essentially the same (and the 280x is more than capable). I have a 3803 and 1905 and have tried them both; using the video switching and not using it (direct connection from the components to the TV). They both do well and there is no video signal loss I can discern. Generally, video switching works well if you don't want to fool with macros with your remote.