I can (and do) sit through just about any horror / sick / twisted movie there is without a twinge. I guess I’m a bit demented in that regard.

So far the movies that have given me the creeps were the original Texas chainsaw massacre and the exorcist. I can sit through them both now (but not comfortably), but twenty some odd years ago, they hit me hard. I had to leave the movie theater twenty minutes into the exorcist and had nightmares for months.

Then there was Jaws……..I was about 7 years old and a lady behind me kept screaming. My mom couldn’t get me to take a bath after that for weeks. I wouldn’t even play in the irrigation ditches after that one (and what kid doesn’t’ do that in 100 deg Nevada weather).

House of wax was just gross.

The original Snuff was sick as hell. Not knowing if it really happened or not made it worse. I still wonder about that. Sick, sick video……..

Then there are all the Faces of Death videos. Can’t watch them after being in combat. Can’t even believe I watched them when I was younger…….