Interesting and troubling comments here.

I am building this room for sitting down and being entertained for a couple hours every now and then. I have no intentions of having two TV areas. This is it. I’ll be watching the satellite and DVD’s both in this room with the projector. I don’t waste much time sitting on my ass, but when I do, I want great sound and video.

That being said, what will one of these projectors do for standard definition satellite? Running the satiate through my HK 7300 improved the picture quite a bit, and it ‘up-converts’ to 480P. It does this better than my DVD player too (Integra 8.5).

Also, there is an up-conversion and an up-scaling. I think some of you are getting these two terms confused. Hell, I thought I knew the difference, now I’m doubting myself again. Can someone clarify that???