If it were me I would probably go with the Rotel out those 3. I don't like the top load idea. Between the other two I would probably just opt to match my existing pieces.
Another nice choice is the Music Hall cd25.2 @ $599.
It has Burr-Brown 24 bit, 192 kHzPCM 1738 DAC and the highly regarded Philips VAM1202/19 transport. Also 2 digital outs 1 coaxial 1 optical.
I have the earlier version that has been upgraded to equal or surpass the model 2. Mine also plays HDCD's if that means anything to you. I imagine the new models do as well but not certain.Anyway it is a very nice sounding player I just wish it played mp3's as well.

"Life is what happens while your busy making other plans" John Lennon