Finally got my new speakers that originally were intended to go downstairs as a music and 2 channel movie system. After hearing them upstairs as surrounds, they are staying!
I can't compare them to any of the Axiom bookshelf's, but there was really no comparison to my Aperions, the soundstaging and imaging on the Taylo Ref's is far superior to the Aperions and the Taylos just literally disappear in the room. The speakers have a toggle on the back that engages a filter that takes the 600-1200hz range down about 3db, for loud listening.
I did line them up against the M80's, and the 80's pretty much trounced them, making me appreciate the 80's that much more. Sorry I'm not as good at making detailed comparisons as many of you are, someday
Last of all the build and finish of these speakers is beautiful, not shown well in my picture.

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.