As an early adopter I am looking forward to next gen DVD's as I personally don't think 480i(p) cuts it for HDTV. BUT, the way Sony and Toshiba (and everyone else on each side) has gone about this I am in no hurry to go out and buy either of these new formats.

Remeber when DVD first hit the market? They would give you like 5+ DVDs for free just to get you to buy a player. This time around both sides are going about this in almost the exact opposite way. Players are expensive (a given) yet they are charging a premium for the movies on top of that. I read an article today that Warner Bros is going to offer double sided disks, one side DVD the other side HD DVD (as all should be IMO) in order to coax people into getting a movie that will play on their current players and then obviously be able to play on a HD DVD player in the future. But they are going to charge 40 bux for these movies!!! I just think they are niave if they really think the common consumer (who most already think current DVDs are fine) to move to the new format. Not gonna happen.