
1) 12x20 is a little on the tight side for the 80's, but I would still go for it - especially if they won't be there forever. At my last house, they were in a 16x18 basement room and did just fine.

2) The whole system is overkill for a 12x20 room in a semi, but you'll kick yourself later in the bigger room if you don't. As far as your neighbours go, they will hate you. Unless there is a concrete block wall separating the units, they will feel the bass.

3) I've heard both the 500 & the 600, but not in a "critical" listening situation. Not an OMG, blow me away difference, but still there. I think the biggest concern would be how many times you plan to move before you are permanently settled? The 600 is a beast - heavy, awkward, and an overall pain in the arse to move. For that reason alone, I would consider the 500. Or better yet 2 x 500's!

4) Those amps will be plenty. I'm driving my whole system with a 90w/ch Yamaha receiver. As long as you don't pull a "let's see how loud it will go" move, while completely ignoring the distortion comming out, you'll be fine.

5) Yep, that was me who hasn't responded to your PM, yet. Sorry. With 3 kids, a new house, and a demanding wife, I'm lucky to get 5 minutes alone in the bathroom! (check the time I am posting this) There were 2 other members requesting auditions as well. Maybe we can work out schedules so that all three of you can come over at the same time. Just not 100% sure when.


Epic 80/600 + M3's + M3 Algonquins + M2 Computer + EP125
I think I'm developing an addiction.