Check these out

These are the omnimount Pro, you might have to go to a store that sells PA gear, Guitar center or something of that nature, and they will most likely have to order it in special. I have just ordered the WA 20.5 for my M22s. They have wall mounts that can hold up to 120lb speakers. If you put a wall mount, threaded into the back of the speaker you should be able to adjust it so that it is just above the TV, but the weight is not on it.

That is the main web site so that you can find the best mount. My wife wants to paint my mounts the same colour as the walls so that you can't see them. It is hard to find a non pro mount that will support the weight of the VP150.

But just be sure to screw into a stud. No drywall ancors will support the weight, and use a 3" screw, and that thing will stay up no matter what!!