hello all,

Purchased my m50's about a year ago and am still very happy with them. Just so happens though that my parents are looking for speakers and the m50's may be perfect for them. They owe me some cash so i figure maybe give them my 50's and put the extra towards getting me some m80's.
I am currently powering them with an h/k avr430 and they are just fine but the last couple house parties i've had i wished i could crank them up a little bit more but seemed to run out of room. Would m80's help here or would the sound just be a little fuller? Is the avr430 not going to cut it at loud levels? I've read that the h/k's should take the 4ohm load no problem and give me a little more wattage as well. Room size varies as for each party i seem to set up the house a little differently.

Thanks for the info.
