Vikingships the first wave of Sony SXRDs were supposed to be 1080p and are advertised as such, however they are not. They are really 1080i This has caused a bit of controversary and Sony may have to compensate those who first made purchase of thos sets. The second wave of the SXRD sets is due in AUG in 55, 60 and 70 inch, but none will be XRB. The XRBs will be available in or around OCy/Nov as will a 50" as well. The cosmidic change for the newer set will be the side speakers, which have been droped and relocated to the bottom, under the screen A lot of people complained about the side speakers tagging them "dumbo" speakers. They made the set larger in width then many liked due to the additional room they required. Now with the speakers located on the bottom a larger TV can now fit in the same space need for models with the side speakers.
Another issue you should consider is the actual width of the TV screen. Although all claim to make widescreen 16:9 screens - they are not. Just take a look at Sony and compare to Samsung. The Samsung is not quite as wide or rectangular. Plasmas are correct but many DLPs are not. The Samsung pedistal model is. Most people don't notice this. And if you ask your self what wuld it matter then consider how a movie theatre screen looks when projecting the common 1.85:1 image. It's more rectangular like the Sony screen vs the Samsung which means there is some over scanning issues with the Samsung as with others that are incorrect in their screen size.
For me if I'm going to spend that much money in trying to achieve and enjoy a home theatre expericene I thing this yet another red flag to consider.
Hope this helps.