Texture went on the ceiling last night, so we are getting there... Tonight should be some sanding and ceiling texture in the closet. Then texture on the walls tomorrow. Wednesday hopefully will be sanding and texturing the ceiling and walls in the bathroom. Thursday should be primer in the bathroom and closet (working back towards the home theater at that point). We have tile coming on Friday, and don't have our paint color figured out yet, but for the small basement bath, we will paint it after the tile is in. Then we have people visiting this weekend, so next Monday will be primer in the home theater, and next Tuesday will be paint all around. Next Thursday we should have carpet being installed, and next Friday, more visitors, so we will take a break.

Pretty bad when I have everything down to the day, but if I don't do it this way, we won't get it done in time. for the tile and carpet.

I figure that I'll take next Friday off work and try to get the speakers, projector, screen, etc set back up in the home theater so that we can at least use it when people are visiting us, although it will have a bit of work to be done before it is "done."

Farewell - June 4, 2020