Well, not even on the same planet as some of the sad stuff that gets posted in the water cooler, but...

My TiVo appears to be dead. My 300 hr, dual 120 GB drive, lifetime subscription Series2. With 5 seasons of West Wing on it. Plus 2 Mythbusters I hadn't watched yet.

I was recabling today, and my wife noticed that none of the lights were on--I noticed that it was still plugged in and felt like it was working. So I power cycled it. Now, all 4 lights were on, and it was outputting exactly nothing to the TV.

The general online concensus is that this sort of thing is either:
a) Power supply. Replacement, $70, I get to keep all my programs. Yay!

b) Fried mobo. Replacement, $150, I get to keep nothing, and I get a refurb 60 hr TiVo. Rather a letdown.

I'm debating whether to get the PSU and try it, or just give up and get a refurb. I don't feel like I've got a lot of cash to drop at the moment, although it's probably not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Advice? Comments?

I am the Doctor, and THIS... is my SPOON!