I can't try the sub until my HG M50's, VP150, QS4's arrive in about 3 weeks. Somehow I suspect my neighbours aren't going to be too happy. I live in an 800sq ft condo and one of my neighbours bedroom is on the wall of my living room. Luckily for me they like to partake in the wacky tabacky with the delicate aroma gently carried across the balcony and into my living room...so we have a mutual agreement of sorts. I don't complain and they don't complain lol

On another note, boy did I have a hard time finding a stand for my stereo and tv. Most of the good stuff is min $1,000. Way past my budget. Even harder to find one that would fit a VP150 in the cabinet below the tv. I ended up with the following from Tech Craft My Stand

Last edited by DanielBMe; 03/02/07 03:37 PM.