What is this "hair" you speak of?

Nah, it's not so bad. Having been a grunt for so long I don't think I'll turn into a "metrics Nazi" or an abuser of Dilbert-like underlings. I've worked in organizations where the "people upstairs" can only judge work in terms of their beloved metrics which have nothing to do with the quality of the work being done. We don't have a ticket system in place now and I won't be implementing one. Our organization had high marks for service from the other units within the company when I was hired and continues to have the same. I'm just here to rebuild and reorganize the infrastructure on which this concern runs into a modern, scalable, manageable system that can easily grow as we add branches and services. 5 years from now we'll have added 2 branches, moved another branch from leased space to owned space, and built and moved into a new Main Office from this 70-year-old barn we now inhabit. At that point I'll probably decide it's time to move on. If you look at this and guess I'm a start-up kinda guy, I am. I'll let the professional IS management types come and impose metrics and enjoy the benefits of the smooth-running system I built. That's why I left the last place as well. Coulda stayed and moved into a higher position there but the work I was interested in had already been done. Oh yeah, that and the C.S. degree plus 12 years experience = $$.

"That's some catch, that Catch-22." "It's the best there is." M22ti VP150 EP350 QS8 M3Ti