>>Now there is logical reasoning for having that junk where it is. Call me crazy, but a month ago or so, I tryed out that sub-crawling technique and I only slightly moved my sub and everything sounded way louder and cleaner.

This may be a result of some sort of bass trapping, I am not sure how effective old textbooks and junk is, but if it effectivly eliminates the bass frequency's gathering in that corner then the more power to ya!

While on the topic of bass trapping, sice you have a smaller room, i suggest bass traps on all 4 corners of your room. Something like this will provide an exponential improvement on bass clarity and response in your room. I plan on bass trapping all the corners in my home theatre once it is done. Remember to use 4" of rigid 703 for your bass traps.

>>What trade offs am I looking at with going with the QS4's instead of QS8's?

I think others will agree with the fact that in a room your size you will not notice much of a difference from the QS8s to the QS4s. Your room isn't big enough to notice the sonic difference in the 2 speakers.

However, if you are future proofing for a bigger room in the future, opt for the QS8s.

>>I guess i could cross over those frequencies to the sub, but is that going to sacrafice the surround experience?

I do not think so because if your sub is placed correctly then you will not be able to tell where the bass is coming from. It should be omni-directional.

>>If you say it's WAY better then the PB12, I may get the PB10 for now and upgrade to the EP500 later...

I have no hands on experience concerning the PB12 compared to the EP500. But just by looking at the specs, the EP500 is in a different league of its own. Its not only the fact that it can play louder, but if you have a small room it will still respond to frequencies as low as 15hz when turned down. So its not about how loud the sub goes for me, its about how will it respond when I am using it for all purposes (music, theatre).

>>I really appreciate the heads up on the SVS Canada store. Do you have a link to a website they're setting up, or any contact where I can keep an eye out for when they're opening?

I am not sure I am allowed to give links on here for competitors, i'll give you a pm.

>>As for the M2 center, what tradeoff would I be looking at there? I've always heard that the center channel is the most important movies, which is the main purpose of my setup.

No clue here, I'll let someone else handle this one!


Last edited by Hutzal; 10/05/06 04:02 PM.

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