Can anybody answer or take a guess as to how the crossover for the 3 mid/bass drivers work in the vp150? Which frequencies are assigned to which of the drivers?

I'm also wondering if axiom makes resistors for their mid/bass drivers like they do for their tweeters or can the same resistors be used.

I'm asking these questions because I'm trying to figure out if there's any way to reduce the 150's output in the upper midrange frequencies(1-2khz range) Maybe stick a resistor onto one of the mid/bass drivers?

I know this sounds whacky but I'm getting fustrated with the 150's sound character...i guess it's mild, but my ears are extremely picky. If I were to sell it, would anybody out there be interested with one that is chipped in the back bottom left corner? It sounds just like any other 150, I'd be willing to let it go for 200usd. + shipping.