I seem to remember that Craigsub did a blind comparative review between Axiom M80’s and his Energy’s. I do not recall which model of Energy’s he has, but knowing Craig, they are probably the top of line models. I think he posted it at Audiohaulics if you care to search for it. It was a very in depth and good review. I think you should read that before jumping ship and buying Axioms. In summery, both speakers had their pro’s and con’s, but he felt they had very similar sound (again, reaching for a dim memory of what I read).

Regardless of that, after taking a look at your equipment, I’m betting that you need to spend some time with your calibration, placement and room treatments. I wouldn’t rush out to buy new until you spend some time with that first.

EDIT: I stopped being lazy and found the reveiw....he has the 2.4's.


Last edited by mdrew; 10/17/06 07:06 PM.