Thanks, Larry.

I have pretty much settled on the Yamaha 5660 as my next unit. I've had Yamaha stuff for years with no trouble.

The other things I was looking at:
Marantz 4300 - no front inputs or Zone 2/speaker B. The 5300 was too expensive.
Denon - hated the remote on the 1803; could not get my price on a 2802 or 2803.
Onkyo SR600/601 - some people have expressed concern about build quality in the lower-end Onkyos. Does not have pre-outs.

I looked at other Yamahas and would probably be happy with a 5650 if I could find one (lacks the pre-outs, but that's future anyway...). The 5640 does not have S-video switching. I think the RX-V640 is functionally identical to the HTR-5660.

I think you'll be very happy with that receiver and a M60 setup.

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