Mike, you are correct in assuming that we have propane and electricity only. Our propane is at $2.34 a gallon, but our electricity is only $.106 kwh.
We are also heating a little over 4700 sq feet, and because of the layout of the house, 2 stories and 4 levels, with most of it being open its diffuclt to isolate the heat.
We have decent spray in insulation in the attic area as well as in all the exterior and interior walls. But I think your idea on getting the house checked for leaks is something we need to do, we have over 20 large windows upstairs alone, and I'll bet I have air coming into some of them, I also noticed last year during a particularly cold evening that I could feel some air coming in through a wall socket.
Thanks for the advice.

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.