After a lot of research, I finally ended up with a monitor stand from Guitar Center (actually, they made me buy a pair, so if anyone needs one, let me know).

This is what my set up looks like now. (Bear in my I live in a relatively small apartment in NYC approx. 18'x11'x10')

pic 1
pic 2

One slight annoyance of my setup is that I could tell that the sound is coming from the center speaker which is slightly above the TV... Not sure if it's psychological, but I liked it better when I had the center speaker just below the TV, but there is no room for it there...

I would appreciate all your comments/suggestions on my setup.

One thing about my system is that my M22's are different color than the V150. So when I decided to upgrade to surround, I inquired Axiom about upgrading my M22's (perhaps even to M60's) with the V150 so that they're the same color, and at the same time I would buy a few more QS8's to complete the setup. To my dismay, it turned out that since my M22's were purchased more than 2 years ago, there was no way I could upgrade through Axiom. So to try to match my system as much as I could, I bought some dark silver satin sheet and cover it over my speakers. I wish I knew someone who could make a custom cover...

When I purchased the M22's while I was a relatively poor college student looking for a nice "budget" stero system, there was a very nice lady (I forgot her name) who helped me at Axiom. She was extremely friendly and helpful and was one of the main reasons I ended up with Axioms.

In the past few weeks, I've contacted Axiom on a few occasions with questions... hoping that I would get that nice lady on the phone again. No such luck... I got a gentleman, who although was professional and cordial, didn't seem all that interested in my questions. While he was polite, he wasn't all that friendly. It was a significantly different kind of experience.

Everyone here raves about the outstanding customer service and the unmatched mission to make every customer satisfied... Well, Axiom is great, but it does seem that that reputation is a bit overblown. I guess I was just a bit disappointed when I had such high expectations that they would do everything they could to help me, but there is a limit. I love my Axioms, but I will have a different level of expectation out of Axiom in the future.

Jeff 2x m22ti and 1x VP150 Panasonic SA-XR55S