
I'm living in a dorm room...so put me in the "hope to get one but never going to get one" category.

Hey...most people would never think I could fit a HT in a dorm room...maybe if I had some outside funding *hint hint* *nudge nudge* I could make this world record possible. I mean think, YOU could contribute to an unofficial world record! A full HT in a 170 square foot room!

I hate to say it, but back when I wasin college, some 12+ years ago, I had the coolest movie setup in my dorm. At that time, the phrase "Home Theater" rally didn't exist.

I had my 27" TV, and front right/center/left and surround right/left speakers all crammed into my dorm room. This was back in the pre-DVD days of VHS and Dolby ProLogic sound. You would be surprised at home many college kids you can cram in to a little dorm room (I don't recall the size of the room, but it was pretty small). Every Friday night was movie night.

So I guess, now that I think about it, I am really on V4.0, not V3.0 of my home theater, if I count my dorm room.

Of course, the sound was great back then, but today I would say it definately stunk compared to my Axioms.

Farewell - June 4, 2020