Hello BBIBH and duff,

There's an interesting psychoacoustic phenomenon that goes on in these situations. When we hear good speakers in our own room, which we're used to, we accommodate the nuances and colorations (good and bad) that characterize those particular speakers in our own room--and that becomes our "reference" sound. Now, when we hear the same or similarly good speaker somewhere else, all the variables (except the speakers) change. The "sound" of course, is quite different, but in our ear/brain memory, "different" becomes "better". In reality, it isn't necessarily "better", just different. I've noticed this with friends who aren't into audio as a hobby like we are. They always think other peoples stereo & home theater systems sound "better" than their own. Good and very good speakers will always sound somewhat different with any change in the room dimensions, the absorbancey of the furnishings, the program material, and the placement of the speakers.

So don't worry about it. It's just that you're accustomed to the sound of the M22Ti's in your room. When I've been away from my home for weeks, and then return, I'm usually astonished at how wonderful the sound is from my speakers. It's as though they had aged and become more refined in my absence. But my acoustical memory had simply blurred over the time I was away. You may experience the same phenomenon with your Axiom M22Ti's.

Alan Lofft
Axiom Resident Expert

Alan Lofft,
Axiom Resident Expert (Retired)