Ken! You Turkey Buzzard you!! You snuck on over to the other side!!

Ok....unabashed confession #4,000,001; if I had a choice, now that I'm used to a more foreward and somewhat brighter sound from my Alessandro MS2i, I would most certainly switch over to some M60s IF my cabinets that the M50s are housed in....that the Wife insists remain right where they are....were a scant 1/4" higher inside! M80s are WAY WAY too tall to replace the M50s, but even the M60s are a tad too large to fit in the location deemed absolutely "cast in concrete" by the powers that be. the M50s must remain.

but, uh......for the last few months I've kinda considered myself an associate member in the "other" posse as well.

Aw shucks....