I recently did a calibration for my brother-in-laws new setup. When I went thru the levels calibration with the Yammy receiver all was fine, and I used the SPL meter to get everything level. Then I put in the Pixar Cars DVD and went thru the tests with the THX optimizer. This was just to double check. What I found was that I had nothing from the sub with the tests from the DVD, and the 4 surrounds sounded like they were all tied together (they all fired at the same time for each distinct surround channel). I was confused as this was wierd.

I figured it had to be something in the Sony DVD player as the receiver test tones sounded fine. I checked the setup in the DVD, and the audio output/downmix settings for Dolby and DTS were set to PCM. I changed them to bitstream and all was better. The sub and surrounds now sounded just fine from the DVD test, just as the receiver test did.

I mention this in case this may apply to you. If the receiver test tones sound normal, try the tones from a calibration DVD or any Disney THX DVD (THX Optimizer). If they don't match, then this could be the issue.

*** EDIT *** Also, what manner is your DVD player connected to your receiver (digital coax, optical, HDMI)? I know it is obvious, but want to make sure you aren't using stereo outs or something. That would also creat the scenario you describe.

Good luck!

Last edited by dllewel; 12/22/06 04:53 PM.


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