Oh, this is totally off topic but I thought it was interesting nontheless as I came across a little Axiom bashing over the weekend.

I stopped in a local hi fi shop to look at some amps and turntables. After some audio talk with one of the salesman I mentioned that I just bought an Axiom EP125 and will be purchasing a pair of either M3's or M22's shortly. He then called one of his fellow co-workers over where they went on a 10 minute rant about how crappy Axiom was and how their quality control was questionable. He kept telling me I should buy a pair of B&W bookshelves from him instead. After that I looked at a few amps and left.

The audiosnobbery didn't really surprise me but listening to the two of them made me think they should write for HI FI Choice or some other UK audio magazine. I'll be sticking with Axion regardless of what they think.