I haven't heard the "Acoustic Wave System" or "Wave Radio" or whatever the hell they call it but I did have an Acoustimas system about 5 years ago. I lived with it for about a 6 months until I couldn't take it anymore. In the store where I auditioned it, in a small dark room with carpet covered walls and floors and gobbs of other speakers it actually sounded very aluring and seductive, what with the small size and the Bose name and all.

But it did the Jeykl and Hyde thing once I got it home. I'd get a headache after about 15 minutes at moderate levels. The bass was awfuly "one noteish" and rather weak(lacked punch) no matter where the so called "bass module" was located. The mid range on these small wonders was a stand out...it would stand out and smack ya' in the face it was so(too) forward. Imaging was just ok but the small sound stage lacked dimension(width and especially depth) and weight.

But I'm rambling. I guess my point is that I was taken in by the "Bose Hype" and got a crappy, overpriced, toy-like product thats not worth even half the price that they ask for them. The wave system might be the best boom box on the planet, I don't know, but I do know that having been bitten by Bose once I'll not ever even consider another Bose product again. I know I probably sound like a bitter boy and I hope I haven't offended any one who has Bose speakers but this is my honest opinion on Bose.

I live the life I love and I love the life I live.