Seems the Yamaha RX-V659 is getting alot of praise. I might go that route, but first I would need to find a Canadian dealer who has the 659

Also thank you for the suggestion of going with the factory outlet, I can certainly wait the 3-5 weeks to save the taxes

Seems everything is coming together now if I can find the 659 receiver for a good price I'll be set

EDIT: Actually not as set as I wanted to be, I forgot I'm going need to get speaker wires. The current wires I have are not that great to begin with. I see Axiom also carries speaker wires but should I go with those or is it better to buy a spool and do it myself? If I buy a spool of wire, what kind of ends will be needed if any and how easy is it to make the ends?

Last edited by gpaquett; 02/15/07 09:10 PM.